Political Economy Analysis of Bangladesh Climate Smart Livestock (BCSL)


The primary objective of the Applied Political Economy Analysis (APEA) study for the Bangladesh Climate Smart Livestock (BCSL) project is to provide a deep understanding of the political, economic, and social dynamics that influence the livestock sector in Bangladesh. This analysis aims to identify the main barriers and opportunities for enhancing the sector’s competitiveness, inclusiveness, and resilience to climate impacts. The APEA will focus on selected livestock products and crops with potential commercial development in the project’s target geography and pre-determined by the project team that includes: 

  • Animal genetics (cattle) 
  • Live animals (cattle and goats) 
  • Meat products (cattle and goat) 2 
  • Dairy products (cattle and goat) 
  • Feed and Fodder (cattle and goat) 

The study will inform the BCSL project’s strategic planning and implementation approach, ensuring that interventions are contextually relevant and effectively address the sector’s needs. This will enhance the project’s effectiveness in achieving its goals of increasing productivity, improving trade, improving inclusion of women and youth, and promoting climate-smart practices within the sector.