Public Finance Management (PFM) and Financial KPIs for FSM Services

This consultancy project, commissioned by SNV Netherlands Development Organisation under the project titled “Analysis of Municipal Financial System and Development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for FSM service”, has been designed to develop the Public Financial Management (PFM) as it relates to the provision of Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) services and build the capacity of the Jashore Paurashava (JAS) and Kushtia Paurashava (KAS) to operate an efficient, transparent and accountable PFM for generating the KPIs for FSM Service.

CaST Network has established a financial management system in both the Paurashava so that the private sector partners that has been assigned to operationalize the FSM Service can generate KPIs to measure their performance, the transparency and accountability of the FSM Service have been strengthened.  This same model of KPI calculation and financial model development can be replicated in other Paurashavas.